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Tax advice
Dr. Marta-Katarzyna Chalupa Tax advisor and chartered accountant
Tax advice:
- For private individuals, sole proprietorships, self-employed and freelancers (physicians and health professionals, group practices, etc.), partnerships, corporations and associations.
- Representation before tax authorities and financial crimes prosecuting authorities.
- Advice on financial criminal law and voluntary disclosure.
- Preparation of administrative appeals against tax notices, participation in appeals to the Austrian Administrative Court.
- Support, advice and representation in sales tax special audits.
- Sales tax reviews and tax audits.
International tax law:
- Establishment of corporations and partnerships in Austria.
- Domestic registrations.
- Avoidance or elimination of international double taxation.
- Advice to subsidiaries and business premises of foreign investors on all domestic tax issues.
- Sales tax assessment of international service relationships.
International tax law
Dr. Marta-Katarzyna Chalupa Tax advisor and chartered accountant
Contact us
Dr. Marta-Katarzyna Chalupa Tax advisor and chartered accountant
Weihburggasse 22/5, 1010 Vienna, Austria
T: +43 699 100 81 707
- Weihburggasse 22/5, 1010 Wien
- +43 1 9978068